Mick Foley & Colt Cabana to head out on comedy tour

Posted on October 16, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

You’re in for a treat if you live in the Northeast.

Mick Foley, Colt Cabana, and stars from the comedy world will be doing four shows throughout the month of November.

The tour is called Total Extreme Comedy (or TXC for short).

For more information visit totalextremecomedy.com

(via wrestlezone.com)

I am truly jealous of anyone who can attend these shows.  I’m a big fan of Mick Foley and I would love to hear his routine.  I’m also aware that Colt Cabana is quite the funny man.  I’m sure this show will be worth it.

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I would love to see it as well i guess we just have to read the posts from the people who attended it or frequent the colt cabana twitter!!!

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