Chris Jericho news

Posted on November 6, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Chris Jericho at Judgment Day 2009 in Rosemont, Ill.

Chris Jericho has found himself in a difficult situation.  Two weeks ago, Jericho was at the Sacramento Horror Film Festival participating in a Q&A session.  He called the moderator of the session “Hadji”, a slur for Middle-Easterners,  several times.

After this, the moderator took Jericho’s drink and jokingly sniffed it.  Jericho quickly shot back with “it’s apple juice…fag.”  This comment infuriated GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation).

Watch the video.

Jericho apologized and said this to

“After seeing the video I realize some inappropriate comments were made and I apologize if I offended anybody.  Just know that everyone on stage was having a blast and we all shared a drink and a laugh after!  The good news is I got my wish of being posted on TMZ.”

However, GLAAD did not accept Jericho’s apology as simply as that:

“Just three months ago Chris Jericho’s boss and WWE Chairman Vince McMahon acknowledged to GLAAD that words matter.  There is no time, context or occasion in which it is acceptable to utter racist and anti-gay slurs.  Jericho’s hollow apology ‘if (he) offended anyone’ is a templte used by many and insincere and worn.”

(all information complied from,, and

Personally, I’m not a racist or anti-gay.  You are what you are.  I don’t think that Chris meant these comments in a derogatory way, even though these are extremely derogatory words.  I know Chris is a joking guy, but there are limits when you’re in the public eye the way he is.  This doesn’t make me think any less of Chris, but I do hope that he’ll watch his mouth and his drink intake in the future.


In more uplifting Jericho news, he will be featured on the cover of next month’s Pro Wrestling Illustrated.

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