My personal raaaage aimed at ECW GM, Tiffany

Posted on November 17, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

So, earlier tonight on ECW, CM Punk made an appearance to work as William Regal’s partner in a tag match against Christian and R-Truth.

Punk went in to Tiffany’s office to talk with her about her choice to drink alcohol and she told him that his straight edge lifestyle was just a cover-up for him being a nerd.  She told him that he needed to lighten up and live a little…meaning drinking.

This really offended me.  Calling someone a nerd because he or she chooses not to engage in the social “norms” of smoking, drinking and doing drugs?  That is just ridiculous.  WWE should not have made that choice.

Because really, choosing to live a clean lifestyle is nerdy.  Yeah.  Sorry, I want to be somewhat healthy when I get older.   I’m straight edge for that reason, as well as some personal reasons that need not be discussed.

I’m really disappointed that WWE would make the choice to call out those who live the straight edge lifestyle as nerds.  But, if that’s the case, then I’m more than proud to be a nerd.

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