
I’m Miranda. I’m 22. I’m a Journalism student at Eastern Illinois University.

I’m a huge smark. I understand the business. My friends and boyfriend are indy wrestlers on the local circuit.

Jericho is my man. #1 always.


When I was a kid, I would watch wrestling with my dad. Hulk Hogan was my hero. I was definitely a Hulkamaniac. I attended Wrestlemania 8 in Indianapolis on April 5th, 1992. I wasn’t quite 5 years old yet, so I don’t really remember much of it. I remember being excited to see Hulk Hogan, using binoculars during the show, and buying my t-shirt. Yeah.

I quit watching WWE, which at the time was still WWF, around the time the Attitude Era began. I remember seeing Stone Cold, The Rock and all of the girls walking around half naked with their boobs hanging out. My parents decided it was getting too “risque” and we quit watching it.

I just got back into watching WWE last year. My friend ordered the Unforgiven PPV and after Jericho and Michaels’ unsanctioned match, I was hooked again.

I went to Judgment Day this year in Chicago.  I was extremely excited about it.  Seeing Chris Jericho in the flesh made my life worth living.  haha.  But really, I was in awe.  I want to go to every show I can and I hope to attend Wrestlemania when it comes back to Indianapolis.


I hate watching TNA, even though I love the Motor City Machine Guns. Even with the new acquisition of Hulk Hogan, it doesn’t make me want to watch TNA.


Questions or Comments? Email me!


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